Wednesday, November 30, 2011


As if going to the gym wasn't bad enough, I came across this douche parking like an asshole before he'd left his car. I strongly considered gently pointing out to him that he was parking it two spots (and I know he went the wrong way in the ramp to get into the spot ... call it woman's intuition). However, he was talking to himself and seemed like a bit of a crazy person, so I decided it wasn't a great idea.

Turns out he was just some douchey meathead who apparently goes to the gym. Awesome.

Submission -- Haters

This is pretty damn delightful. From James!

There is so much going on in this bad parking it "blew my mind, man"!

In the first picture, someone is parked in the middle of two parking spaces.  Not just "over the line", but almost exactly in the middle of both spaces.  How one gets out of the car and not go, "shit, I can't park.  Let me try again".  Is beyond me.  Then, a truck parks behind the first stupid person.  How they can't see how badly the first person park and then park with the back end of their truck just waiting to get hit makes me just want to hit the truck with my Jeep.

But the part that pushed me over the edge, was the sticker on the first car, "I love Haters".  I don't care what people think of me either, but to park so wrong and not care that everyone knows you are stupid and shouldn't have a drivers licence sent me straight to the bar.

If hating bad parking is wrong, I don't want to be right!


At least it's not in a handicapped spot?

Last week, I snapped the pictures below on my way into the gym. I was off work, so it was probably late morning. I could check to see which day it was, but shit -- that I'm posting this at all should really be enough, don't you think?

The funny? thing is, the car is parked illegally in a non-parking spot, next to a handicapped spot. And possibly partially in the handicapped spot. So, thanks for trying?


So, the new parking system at work has been remarkably awesome. I mean, I see a couple of cars nearly every day parking in the permit area without a permit, but really, it's been awfully sweet.

Unfortunately, I've only seen one of these bad boys. And I never did find out what happened to the car.

The funny thing is, I tried to take a picture of a car with a stick similar to this in the parking ramp after I left the gym tonight. Except it was on the car's back, driver's side ... quarter panel? It was yellow and smaller, too. Alas, the photo was blurry.